
I am running as a socialist for State Treasurer of California, on the Peace and Freedom Party line. The ballot pamphlet, in which I can place a message, will go to 19 million voters (and millions really read it). This is an opportunity not to be missed, to tell millions of Americans about socialist solutions to the problems caused by the billionaires. Some years ago, the law was changed so that the statements are no longer free, but cost $ 25 per word, a substantial cost to a retired worker! I ended up submitting a statement of 56 words, explaining the benefits and advantages of socialist solutions, in the ballot pamphlet. (With enough money, I could have done a maximum of 250 words.) This will reach more people than any other possible socialist message, and reach them when they are in a receptive state, preparing to vote in the June primary election. I also needed money to pay the portion of the filing fee not covered by signatures. Though some generous donations helped a lot, to submit the statement and pay the filing fee I found it necessary to borrow $2000.00 from family members, who really need the money back.   No matter your US state of residence, you can help! The maximum donation under the law is $ 7300.00, but this is unlikely to affect any of my supporters. Please give something, either $ 25 to pay for one word, or a smaller or larger amount. And please tell me your home address, your occupation, and your employer, so I can keep the legally-required records. (If retired, just say “retired.”) I will be accepting donations for this purpose through May Day.  And there are other routine campaign expenses I hope to be able to afford, including some printed literature, some carefully-targeted mailings to opinion leaders on the left, and a few ads pointing to my website.  I will be very grateful for any assistance, and many California voters will be appreciative of the pro-socialist message. Please spread the word. Thank you!
-Kevin Akin

To donate, please go to my GoFundMe page:

If you wish to send a check, please make it out to:
Kevin Akin for State Treasurer 2018
20212 Harvard Way
Riverside, California 92507