What is the Peace and Freedom Party?
The Peace and Freedom Party was founded in 1967 to provide a ballot line for candidates who were opposed to the Vietnam War and supported the civil rights movement. It qualified for the California ballot in early 1968. Since then, hundreds of candidates have run on the Peace and Freedom Party line in California for offices from State Assembly to Governor and President. The Peace and Freedom Party is an independent non-sectarian party of the Left, in which activists who are affiliated with many other Left organizations, or with none, are all welcome to work and run for office.
For much more information on the Peace and Freedom Party and its half-century history of action, go to the party’s website at peaceandfreedom.org.
For the Short Platform of the Peace and Freedom Party, click here.
Kevin Akin has been an elected California state officer of the Peace and Freedom Party since 1990, as well as during one earlier two-year term. He presently serves as the State Chair of the party (August 2016-August 2018).